Dr. Tyson Schwiesow presents on cataract surgery

Last night Dr. Tyson Schwiesow, MD, held a public seminar on cataract surgery with an in-depth discussion on the new Alcon PanOptix trifocal lens. Tower Clock Eye Center surgeons were the first in Wisconsin to perform surgery with this revolutionary new lens.

Dr. Schwiesow explained the history of cataract surgery, as well as the most recent developments of the procedure. He then told the crowed what to expect the day of surgery and followed up the evening with a question and answer session. Schwiesow also explained in detail the differenced between lens options and the pricing structure for each.

Tower Clock Eye Center surgeons periodically hold these pubic seminars. If you’d like to see one online, click here for a recent event with Dr. Matthew Thompson.

Dr. Tyson Schwiesow, MD, presents to the public on cataract surgery

Dr. Tyson Schwiesow presents at Tower Clock Eye Center

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Surgery Center: Green Bay

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Friday: 8:00am - 2:00pm

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Friday: 8:00am - 2:00pm

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